Thursday, December 10, 2009

Before I forget...

I have a purpose for this blog. And it doesn't have a whole lot to do with my cutesy working title. It is a working title, because I know my process for this blog is going to evolve into something I can't quite grasp yet.

Here is my train of thought...
- I have a degree in interior design.

- I don't have a job as an interior designer.... yet.

- Even though I am not employed as an interior designer, it doesn't mean I can't do what I like to do (that being designing spaces).

- Therefore, I need spaces to design (stay with me, I know it's obvious).

- When most people hear what I do/plan to do with my life, they say "oh, I wish you would come take a look at my house! I just don't know what to do with it."

> Side note: I always assume this is simply a polite response to what I said. And in many cases, it may very well be. However, I am going to change my counter-response to "Great! Here is my card. Can you tell me what you would like to change?" (or something like that; I'm just brain dumping right now)

> Sub side note: I need to make nifty new business cards.

> Second side note: My hesitancy of accepting these people's offers in the past (beyond feeling simply inadequate) is that I don't feel I could be ethically paid for my services as an non-certified designer (feel free to comment on what you think of this). My response is now that any experience I gain is payment enough. Just let me take a before and after picture for my website and we'll call it even.

- So, assuming the last point follows through, I go to these people's houses to help them with their spaces. Most likely, these people don't want to spend much money on their home improvements. That's okay - I just need to start figuring out questions to ask my clients and tricks for small improvements. And that is what this blog is going to be all about! In case you missed it, let me reiterate...

I am going to document my experiences with my friends and family turned clients. What questions got good information and responses and which ones were duds. What small things I did that seemed to vastly (or subtly) improve a space, and what it cost on a $ to $$$$ scale (or something like that).

When I don't have a client in sight, I'm going to use my own place as my personal playground. Since I've been married and had my own space (well, come to think of it, since I had a will to decorate my own room), I've created little projects. Often inspired by things I can't afford or simply know I could do better, it usually involves a stealthy iPhone picture and a trip to Michaels.

Since I have several recent crafty-like projects under my belt, as well as figuring out the layout of my own awkwardly-shaped townhouse, I'll probably first backtrack and cover those just to get a rhythm for my blog down. So, stay tuned for an update soon! And if you know anyone in the greater DC/Annapolis/Baltimore area who needs free design advice, send them my way!